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Proven Structural Health Monitoring technology for concrete structures

The only way to see past the concrete is to have ‘eyes’ inside the concrete itself. Our structural monitoring tools provide that vision.

We make it easy to monitor the health of concrete structures—remotely and cost efficiently

In an exclusive partnership with the Swiss-German company, Infrasolute, InfrastructureTek brings to the US market structural monitoring sensors that provide “eyes” in the concrete. This innovative wireless sensor solution enables preventive and sustainable online monitoring of buildings and infrastructure.

Once placed inside concrete next to the reinforcing steel, our technology assesses its condition and transmits real-time readings for a lifetime of up to 80 years. It uses a patented technology that requires no external energy (battery, power supply) and has been battle-tested across Europe in more than 100 completed projects over the past 15 years.

Traditional condition assessments are labor intensive with limited success in detecting early corrosion. You may not know there’s a problem until it’s become obvious, costly, or worse. There is an order of magnitude increase in rehabilitation costs between early and late stage detection. InfrastructureTek provides the structural monitoring data necessary to detect corrosion and moisture issues while they’re relatively inexpensive to fix.

Our core sensor technology: CorroDec®2G

CorroDec2G structural monitoring corrosion sensor

Wireless and wire-free

Non-destructive sensor (NDT) installation, requiring minimum drilling via a core hole when retrofitting.

No external power required

Energy is induced from the outside (unique in the field) via a fixed gateway or handheld reader.

Real-time data collection

Key parameters are continuously measured and recorded by the sensors, reducing physical inspections and repair & maintenance costs.

Peace of mind.

  • Increased safety
  • Lower repair & maintenance costs
  • 24/7 remote monitoring
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Increased sustainability & durability


Connect & control.

  • Easy wireless operation
  • Remote access
  • Interactive analysis dashboard
  • Accurate real-time data display
  • Adjustable data transmission frequency