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Overpass Autobahn A8

ProjectNew Bridge on Autobahn A8
LocationKirchheim unter Teck, Germany (map)
DateJuly 2014

Initial Situation

A very long warranty period was agreed upon, thus it was necessary to observe the vulnerabilities and the effectiveness of surface protection systems used over a very long period of time. The concessionaire planned the installation of moisture and corrosion sensors within the caps and joints to detect damaging influences before external damage appears.


CorroDecĀ®2G moisture and corrosion sensors were installed in anticipation of the damage that would likely occur in the in the weak points and the cap area.

The readout of the data was performed by the handheld reading device on site. With the new generation of sensor CorroDecĀ®2G, this is now easily possible to do remotely or from a distance.

Added Value

  • Cost reduction in concrete repair
  • Differentiated repair in case of failure of the OS
  • Reduction of inspection costs
  • Control of inspection intervals
  • Reduced idle periods with later repairs